Welcome to my blog!

     About the author

Mount Timpanogas, Utah
Mount Timpanogas, Utah
Hello and thank you so much for visiting my blog! This is a space for people of faith in recovery or anyone looking for hope. I am 40 years old, and for most of my adult life I have suffered from the consequences of active substance addiction. Thankfully, about three years ago and by God's grace, I was able to finally start my journey of recovery. It hasn't been perfect, but for the first time in my life I am free from drugs, and I'm beginning to thrive!  Does this sound like something you want? Keep in mind that people seek recovery from all sorts of addictions, not just substance abuse. If you're looking for freedom from destructive habits, you can find inspiration here to overcome them. Also, you don't have to believe in Jesus Christ to read my blog. I welcome people of all faiths, religions, creeds and beliefs! We are here to help each other and share our experience, strength and hope in a world that can consume us if it is allowed. 

Recovery isn't easy to attain as are all things of great value. How do I do it? I rely wholly upon Christ to keep me free from addiction. I give Him all the credit for my successes in recovery. I have also found how important it is to practice honesty and integrity. It isn't always easy, and I'm definitely not perfect at it, but I know the more honest I am the less likely I am to use. Dishonesty is a slippery slope for anyone trying to free themselves from addiction. I also try to enjoy the beauty found in all aspects of life, especially that of nature. I live in southern Utah, and I can't express how grateful I am to live in such a beautiful land! I am constantly in awe of its majesty, and this appreciation is deeply rooted in my recovery. You will find many pictures of landscapes throughout my blog. 😉🌎🏜 Of course, there are many more things that contribute to my sobriety but these are the first to come to mind.

I'm very new to blogging, and I really don't know my way around building a website so please bear with me! I plan to share many things that I hope will inspire others to find recovery, things such as journal entries, reflections on recovery life and life in general, and memories of times I spent in jail or prison, places where I really learned to have hope. It has been quite the journey, and there were many times where I didn't think I would make it but I'm telling you, 

You can make it!

Short Creek, Utah and Arizona


  1. I am blessed to be your sister Philip! I am so thankful you are doing this and know you'll continue to inspire and strengthen others!! I love you!!! I'm happy to be on this earthly journey with you!!!

  2. You are such an inspiration and I love you so much!

  3. Phillip you are such an inspiration... I love to watch your process and see your journey with this blog!! Keep up shari g of yourself because enough are breaking stigmas and leading the way out of darkness!!

    1. Sorry for the spelling errors... I hate autocorrect.

  4. This literally made me smile then cry it's beautiful Phillip thank you!!!!

  5. You are Amazing Philip. I am grateful for you.


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