
 There are always so many reasons to procrastinate creating a post for my blog. Sometimes, I want to wait for the perfect moment of clarity and inspiration to spring upon me so I can convey a message straight from my soul, but in all honesty, those don't come very often.  Other times, I'm afraid to express what is really going on inside of my head because I fear judgement and ridicule from a reader who may not understand or appreciate my message. There are thousands of excuses to not create meaningful and heartfelt content, but tonight I have the faith to look beyond that fear and at least begin to create a new post.  It's 10:17 PM on a Friday night. Ten or fifteen years ago, I would most likely have been out at a club drinking and dancing or spending the night in a strange bed strung out on one drug or another. This night, I'm more than content to be on my couch with my legs reclined, listening to beautiful classical music, and typing away with an intention to share my

North Star Conference 2023

Things On My Mind

Checking In and Sending Love

The Blessings of God's Love

Learning to Live Again

UFOs in Prison Part I

Precious Time--Canyon County Detention Center June 2012

How Can I Know When I'm Doing My Best?